Online Course Bundles
Resin Flower Block Course
Learn how to create a square flower block from start to finish —designed for beginners!
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I'll give you step-by-step instructions and a backstage peek at my methods and materials
This bundled online course covers the following (2 hr 50 min):
Module 1: Resin Basics
Casting vs. Top Coating Resins
Difference between types of resins and what I use for my blocks
HDPE vs. Silicone Molds
The types of molds you can use for resin casting and pros/cons of each type
Safety Considerations
What to consider when it comes to your safety, protective equipment I use, and how to educate yourself
Module 2: Drying Flowers in Silica
Part 1: How to Use Silica to Dry Your Flowers
Step-by-step instructions on how to use silica to dry your flowers to maintain their color and shape
Bonus Clip: Dried Flower Examples and What Flowers Dry Well
I’ll show you examples of flowers I’ve dried, how they turned out, and what to expect
Part 2: Preparing Flowers for Resin
How to brush off silica, trim your flowers to make them look neater, and prepare a layout for a square block
Part 3: Reactivating Used Silica
How to know when your silica is used up, how to reactivate and store your silica
Module 3: Casting a Square Flower Block
Part 1: Measuring, Mixing, & Pouring
How to measure & mix casting resin, pour & place your flowers in the first layer
Bonus Clip: How Do I Get Rid of Bubbles?
I’ll explain why we get lots of bubbles & my solution to reduce bubbles (includes my pouring chart that lists how much resin to use for each layer)
Part 2: Pouring Layers
How to pour layers, when to pour the next layer, and tips to reduce the look of layer lines
Part 3: Demolding, Finishing & Top-Coating
I’ll demold an HDPE Moldi mold, finish the edges (includes my secret to get smooth edges without sanding), and top-coat
Bonus Clip: Adding an Inscription
I’ll show you two ways to add an inscription to your block —one with a Cricut Joy and another with a regular inkjet printer
Included in the course:
Materials list with links to items I use
Skip from topic to topic and come back to rewatch videos at your convenience
“Pour Chart” that lists volume of resin to aim for in each layer for different size blocks
Members area to ask follow-up questions or request more content (I will choose from these questions/requests to create bonus clips to add to the course)