Online Mini Courses
Learn about specific topics in these bite-sized courses
Mini Course 1: Casting a Square Flower Block
This online course covers (1 hr 40 min):
Part 1: Measuring, Mixing, & Pouring
How to measure & mix casting resin, pour & place your flowers in the first layer
Bonus Clip: How Do I Get Rid of Bubbles?
I’ll explain why we get lots of bubbles & my solution to reduce bubbles (includes my pouring chart that lists how much resin to use for each layer)
Part 2: Pouring Layers
How to pour layers, when to pour the next layer, and tips to reduce the look of layer lines
Part 3: Demolding, Finishing, & Top-Coating
I’ll demold an HDPE Moldi mold, finish the edges (includes my secret to get smooth edges without sanding), and top coat
Bonus Clip: Adding an Inscription
I’ll show you two ways to add an inscription to your block —one with a Cricut Joy and another with a regular inkjet printer
Included in the course:
Materials list with links to items I use
Skip from topic to topic and come back to rewatch videos at your convenience
Members area to ask follow-up questions or request content (I will choose from these questions/requests to create bonus clips to add to the course)
Please note: This course will not cover resin basics, safety, or flower drying. It will only go over the casting and finishing process of creating a block.
Mini Course 2: Drying Flowers in Silica
This online course covers (52 min):
Part 1: How to Use Silica to Dry Your Flowers
Step-by-step instructions on how to use silica to dry your flowers to maintain their color and shape
Bonus Clip: Dried Flower Examples and What Flowers Dry Well
I’ll show you examples of flowers I’ve dried, how they turned out, and what to expect
Part 2: Preparing Flowers for Resin
How to brush off silica, trim your flowers to make them look neater, and prepare a layout for a square block
Part 3: Reactivating Used Silica
How to know when your silica is used up, how to reactivate and store your silica
Included in the course:
Materials list with links to items I use
Skip from topic to topic and come back to rewatch videos at your convenience
Members area to ask follow-up questions or leave a comment
Please note: This course will not cover any topics on resin. It will only go over the flower drying process.